Roundtable Teaching and Learning: What do Employers Want from our Students?

Facilitator: Dr Robert Wright, MM
Date:25 Nov 2014
Time:12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Venue:Research Lounge, 5/F, Pao Yue-kong Library

How well are we doing as educators in better preparing our students for a complicated world? Are the core competencies we drill into our students really making an impact in the world of work (albeit during their internships and/or when they enter into full time employment)? What are employers really looking for in our students in making meaningful contributions to their organizations? These are important reflective questions that we must all be constantly asking ourselves as educators. This Roundtable Teaching & Learning session brings together three seasoned executives from industry to share their experiences, insights and advice on what it will take to generate “preferred” graduates, from a “preferred” university offering “preferred” programs. Come and join us for this highly interactive and engaging session and see how we as teachers, researchers and administrators can better prepare our students for the workforce of today (and tomorrow). These monthly roundtable discussions aim to create a more of a COMMUNITY of like-minded colleagues from our entire university to come together on a regular basis and discuss important themes that have the power to stimulate new ways of thinking and new ways of doing our practice of educating life-long learners. This event is organised by Community of Practice (CoP) on Developing, Recognising and Rewarding Excellent Teaching, in cooperation with Pao Yue-kong Library, Educational Development Centre and Student Affairs Office.

EDC Coordinator: Loretta Ho