Roundtable Teaching and Learning: MOOCs and the Flipped Classroom

Facilitator: Robert Wright, MM
Facilitator: Helen Law, HTI
Facilitator: Felix Mezzanotte, AF
Facilitator: Eric Tsui, ISE
Date:27 Jan 2015
Time:12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Venue:Research Lounge, Pao Yue-kong Library

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the power of the “flipped” classroom are helping redefine the way we teach and learn. What are the lessons learned and success stories to be shared using these pedagogical approaches to foster a culture that prepares our students to learn better? What can you do to leverage off these approaches to improve your own research and teaching?

Please join us in this empowering Teaching & Learning Roundtable discussion and hear how three of our engaged PolyU colleagues have come to terms with these pedagogical innovations. We are afraid that no food will be provided but plenty of food for thought.

This activity is co-organized by Community of Practice (CoP) on Developing, Recognising and Rewarding Excellent Teaching and EDC.

EDC Coordinator: Loretta Ho