Roundtable Teaching and Learning: Games we play - fostering more engaged learners

Facilitator: Robert Wright, MM
Facilitator: Robert Wright, MM
Facilitator: Jason Choi, ITC
Facilitator: Doris Chong, RS
Facilitator: Walter Fung, COMP
Date:27 May 2015
Time:12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Venue:Research Lounge, 5/F, Pao Yue-kong Library

It is often believed that “play” is for children and that adult learning needs to be serious!

Yet, we learn best when we are at play. When we engage in play, our senses open up and we feel more at ease whilst simultaneously are still in a state of excitement.

If this is true, we need to incorporate more “serious play” into our classrooms. Join us and engage with three passionate colleagues who have experimented with games and in the process made learning fun and educational for their students.

This activity is co-organized by Community of Practice (CoP) on Developing, Recognising and Rewarding Excellent Teaching and EDC.

EDC Coordinator: Loretta Ho