Getting and Using Data for your MOOCs and SPOCs + Sharing Session

Facilitator: Green Luk, EDC
Facilitator: Bo Zhu, KEEP, CUHK
Facilitator: Ian Brown, EDC
Facilitator: Darren Harbutt, EDC
Date:27 Jun 2018
Time:12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

This workshop considers various aspects of the edX data experience, useful for both MOOC and SPOC teams using the edX platforms. We will discuss  the edX Insights dashboard, both on and via KEEP’s Open edX platform, along with the Data Package edX provides to our Data Czar and how it is passed onto MOOC teams.  We will also look at the practical and research-based uses of these data for improving our MOOCs and SPOCs.

EDC Coordinator: Darren Harbutt